October 13, 2024

October 13, 2024 1:39 PM

If you receive a credible, verifiable email that you have a statement credit on an account, you have money to spend. Maybe it’s a refund or you were overcharged, or you have received a bonus. Until you understand why the money is in your account, you may want to be careful about spending it. But, once it’s been explained to you to your satisfaction, it would be foolish not to take advantage of those funds  

If you have put your faith in Jesus for your salvation, eternal life in heaven has been credited to your account. All of your sins have been paid for, all of your debts erased. Now it’s time to live like a child of God. Stop feeling like you’re not good enough, don’t qualify, are going to miss heaven… Start praying like a member of God’s family. Enjoy the smile of God over you. Live in the freedom of your salvation  

 Pastor Joel Everhart